Tuesday 4 December 2007

Virtual Identities

Hi it's FiFi again,

I have escaped the clutches of my Uber Geek companion Gwynnie to steal 5 minutes to send this new blog to you.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been creating a whole new person for myself. I believe that virtual identies are the way forward, especially for people (like me) who lack basic social skills. I mean, I don't mind talking to the world over the internet but face to face - I could never do that!

Since signing up to several chat rooms I have been able to develop the perfect look and personality for the character I long to be. I have a different name, age and look like a catwalk model! Now one ever needs to know who you truely are, your real life doesn't matter anymore now that we can all live in the virtual world. I know Gwynnie would rather put herself on display on the internet, but I feel that creating a virtual version of yourself is much more fun. Why be boring Gwynnie when you can impress as sexy, seductive G? Also gwynnie doesnt have the problem as some of us do (like me) of being rather harsh on the eyes, she doesn't appreciate the difficulties image can create. So if your (like me) a bit of an ugly one, the internet is the perfect place to form yourself a new you!

You too could achieve this new identity. Just upload a picture of the most beatiful person you can find, edit your details and your away........ frienship and maybe more is just a click of the mouse away.

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